Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why You Never Trust A Surgeon To Do Internal Medicine. Also, I've Lost 40 Pounds

I went to see my surgeon yesterday for my post-op appointment. He asked how I was feeling, so I told him I was feeling great (I am). He then looked at my medications. He noticed that I was still taking Glipizide (since most of my diet is G2, which contains enough sugar to make me hyperglycemic), but it was at 2.5 mg a day, the lowest dose a person can take.

"I want you off of that immediately", he told me. "That drug makes you fat."

Yeah, doc. It also creates insulin for my body to process sugar, without which I would die. I know eventually my body will be able to get rid of sugar on its own, but that day hasn't arrived yet. Until it does, I'm going to need my pills.

He was also insistent that I give up protein shakes as soon as I return to solids because they're "artificial food". Ugh. Yeah, doc. Because all the body-builders are getting fat off of that stuff. But the man is a total anti-GMO nutjob, so he swears up and down that unless it's non-GMO organic that it's all going to kill you.

Still, he's a damn good surgeon, and I haven't had any complications. You can be a good surgeon and not know jack about internal medicine. Just like I'm a good EMT and I don't know anything about internal medicine-it's simply not the area I'm trained.

But anyway, I'm cleared to go onto the next step of foods, which is light solids. So yesterday I ate some cottage cheese along with my protein shakes and G2. I've also been putting down applesauce, finger jello, and yogurt the past few days, so that makes me ready for step two, which is soft vegetables. This also puts me into the recovery diet phase I want to be in. My plan was always to drink 32 oz. of homemade juice, 60 grams of protein via shakes, and to fill the rest in with a single small meal. Now that I can eat vegetables, this is achievable. When I'm able to get back to the gym (next week, according to the doc), I plan on working on not just gaining back the muscle I've lost on this diet (which has been quite a bit), but I want to get completely ripped.

Speaking of what I've lost, I'm now down to 327. This is 40 pounds down as of three weeks ago, when I started the pre-op diet. I'd like to be 50 pounds down by the time I go back to work. Just a nice number to start with. :)

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