Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Got A Little Dizzy For A Second...

Today I've been good on my diet. I wasn't even hungry most of the day. Before 6 p.m. I ate a bowl of green beans, and two protein shakes. Far less than what I was supposed to be eating, but I just wasn't in the mood for food.

But then at about 6 p.m. I started getting dizzy. I knew what was going on because I've experienced it plenty when I accidentally took too much of my diabetic medication. I was hypoglycemic. I couldn't find my glucometer to confirm it (I haven't used the thing since going on this diet)

Problem is, my diet is MEANT to be no-carb. I don't want to break my diet, and this all happened after my doctor's office was closed (of course it did, when the fuck else would it happen?!)

Fortunately we have this invention called the internet, in which you can get advice from other people who have been in the same boat. So after reading a few gastric bypass forums, most of the people who had the problem were told by their doctor to drink some milk or juice. So that I did.

When I get hypoglycemic, it never really helps to just eat sugar. I still feel dizzy for hours afterward. I was tempted to order out for some food or just go to Taco Bell to get some empty calories in me. But I stuck it out and three hours later I felt somewhat normal. I'm glad I did. I don't want to lose the benefits that come with being carb free. I'd have to go through the whole process of burning off my glycogen stores again, which is a miserable, mind-numbing experience.

I'm also another pound down today. Feeling good about that. And it's a big ego boost to see the weight coming off like it has. I like what I'm seeing when I look in the mirror. I'm still a fatty, but much less of one.

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