Sunday, December 1, 2013

Twenty-Five Pounds Down!

I got a chance to weigh myself before heading into work today.

I'm down 25 pounds, for a total of 342 pounds.

Twenty-five pounds in less than a week! Woo-hoo!

It's been hell getting here, but I've done it so far. Still have a few more days to go, though.

The diet itself is awful. I'm constantly hungry, and I've noticed that my mood is changing as well. It seems I've been getting more aggressive. At first I thought it was anger, but it's not, really. I'm not really mad about anything in particular. I just notice that I'm more assertive. Kind of like how I was when I was in my early 20's. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. The past couple of days I've caved in and cheated, but not with carbs. It seems the common theme with all the pre-op diets I read on the internet is that they're like the Atkins diet on steroids. So I just eat some meat to help me feel less hungry. It's been working, and the pounds are still coming off. Today I ate a sirloin steak and eggs when I got out of work. It tasted great.

I've had to stay away from the salads for a while, due to my GI problems with them. So today I ate a can of green beans instead. It's strange how good they taste when you haven't had them in a long time. :) I would have ate a second can of them if I had brought it to work with me.

I have to see the doctor in the morning for my final visit before the surgery. I hope I remember to have all of my paperwork. Especially my FMLA paperwork. I'm going to need that to make sure I am still gainfully employed when I'm ready to go back to work.

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