Monday, December 2, 2013

So I Went to The Doctor...

Today I had my last appointment with the surgeon before the big day. It went pretty smoothly. I had to watch a video showing all the stuff I'll be going through after the gastric sleeve is done, along with the types of foods I'll be able to eat. I also found out that I'm down another pound, which is nice.

The doctor told me that he expects me to drop to 240 pounds after a year, then my weight will go back up to about 260-270 pounds. I hope that's of solid muscle, because I'm expecting to lose a lot more weight than that. When I was in basic training with the Army, I was 227 pounds when I left and their diet and exercise wasn't nearly as extreme as what I'm about to do (it says quite a bit that Uncle Sam's efforts to turn me into a lean, mean, killing machine pale in comparison to what I'm about to go through :) ).

The doc also said that as far as exercise immediately after the operation, the record for most times made around the hospital floor is 20 in a day. Of course he probably didn't have a fat-boy who likes working out as much as I do. I'm planning on beating the shit out of that. It'll be easy enough. If I'm awake for 16 hours and walk a lap every half-hour, that's 32 laps.

There's another motivation to doing so well physically, too. I need to be back to work asap. I'm going to have to take two weeks off, and I can't afford to take off a single day more. The "vacation" will be nice as I've spent the last six months working anywhere from 48-84 hours in a single week, with most weeks having at least 56 hours. Even so, I work that many hours for a reason-I need the cash to support my family.

The only thing that really pisses me off about this doctor is that he's a major anti-GMO nut. If he were an internist and not a surgeon, I wouldn't see him based on that alone. He constantly talks about "chemically-processed foods" and stuff. If I wanted to be a smart-ass I could tell him about all of the chemicals that are in an apple, but I'm not interested in debating him on the merits of genetically modified food. So, like the religious people I sometimes have to work with, I just smile and nod and let it go in one ear and out the other.

I plan on losing 30 pounds by Friday, then having a "last supper". The way I see it, by Friday I should be safe to eat a little pizza provided I beat myself up at the gym properly before dinner. Saturday I'll eat normal but healthy food, then Sunday I have to go on the all-liquid diet to prepare for the big day on Monday. I'll have to stay faithful to my diet until then. No more eating meat to deal with the hunger. Just protein shakes and vegetables.

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