Sunday, October 19, 2014

I Did It!

So today I finally ran my half-marathon. The thing I wouldn't shutup about on this blog for the past several months. :)

My wife took a pic of me just as I was crossing the finish line:

At this point, I was praying for a merciful death
My run was incredibly slow, a sad 2:46:13. Part of that is due to me making a stop at a port-a-potty in the middle of the race which had a very long line. I probably would have done less than 2:40:00 if I didn't have to piss. I also couldn't get my playlist to work once I crossed the Canadian border (thanks a lot, Spotify!) Running without music is like kryptonite to Superman for me.

My wife mentioned that if I had run the race 10 minutes faster, I would have made the top ten for my age group. I noticed that the top guy ran the race in a little over two hours. With that in mind, I'll probably be here again next year.

I also hurt my knee during the race, so I won't be running this week. I'll have to hit the elliptical. I hate those things so much. I used to love them when I was fat, because they're not a challenge. But they're also not stressful on your joints, either. So I'll be burning calories on that thing until I'm healed up.

I also need to see a sports medicine doctor that was recommended by my surgeon. Getting my abs healed up needs to be my highest priority now. The injury has been holding me back for too long.

But hey, mission accomplished. I may have ran 13.1 miles with all the speed of a 1990's dial-up modem, but I fucking did it. And once all my injuries have healed up, I'll be getting my ass back in the game hardcore.

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