Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Stupid Runner's Knee!

I developed a nasty case of runner's knee in both legs. Turns out that running three times a week and doing weight training on your legs is something you shouldn't do unless you've been running for quite some time. So I won't be able to exercise until at least Saturday, which really sucks.

I've been faithful to my workout plan up until now, and I plan on keeping it that way as soon as my legs heal up.

On the plus side, my legs look totally ripped. You could bounce a quarter off of my quadriceps. :)

I'll probably give up weight training on my legs altogether until my body gets used to running three times a week. When I start training for my 10K, I'll be doing cardio five days a week and not just three, so my legs will be worked out plenty.

My upper body isn't looking too shabby, either. I've gained back most of the muscle mass that I've lost.

As far as my weight goes, I went down to 294 as of this morning. I'm quite happy about that, although I wish the weight loss would come faster. I'm getting tired of losing five pounds at a time and then not moving for another week. I am seeing it in my belt, though. When I got my work belt just before I got off of medical leave, I could only fit the first notch. Now I'm on notch three, and on some days four. Pretty soon I will need a whole new belt altogether.

I'm also seriously considering running a half-marathon at the Detroit Free Press/Talmer Bank Marathon in October. Whether or not I sign up depends on how well I'll do at my 10K in June. If I can do 6.2 miles without messing up my knees, 13.1 miles should be easy enough. I never thought I'd see the day where I'd think a half-marathon was within my grasp. Feels good just thinking about doing one. :)

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