Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Getting Fit and Gaining Shitloads of Confidence

Jesus Christ, it's been two weeks! I have so much stuff to write!

Let me get the bad news out of the way...

The scale hasn't budged in weeks. I'm still at 290 pounds, and it's gotten on my last nerve. People try to reassure me that "muscle weighs more than fat", but since that was something I always told myself when I was fat, it's not making me feel any better. My body is showing that I'm losing weight, and I'm getting more physically fit. I just want the numbers to back it up!

Okay, now onto the good.

For starters, I've decided to stop drinking for a while. I've always been a heavy drinker, and the doc telling me to quit drinking after the surgery might as well have been him telling me not to breathe. But I looked at the calorie content in my booze and it turns out I was drinking about 800 calories a night. So I've been sober for five days now, which is the longest I've been sober since Iraq. My lack of calories still isn't showing up on the scale, though.

The scale aside, though, I'm looking and feeling great. My wife says I'm starting to get six-pack abs. I looked in the mirror. She's right! It's hard to see because I still have lots of fat I still need to burn off, but I can see them just starting to protrude. I've also got my average mile run time to under 10 minutes, and my body is packing on lots of muscle.

A few weeks ago I noticed that every time I did a weight-lifting session I was actually lifting less than the week before, so I looked up how much protein I should be eating. Turns out I was insanely protein deficient. I tried upping my intake to 90 grams, but it turns out I needed to be eating a minimum of 200 grams a day. Most body building websites say I should be eating about 300, and there's even one doctor that says I should be eating over 500. That last guy must be a fucking quack because who eats that much and isn't a fat bastard? So I upped my intake to 200 grams, which requires me to eat a large amount of protein shakes, lots of meat, and pretty much nothing else. Carbs are pretty much non-existent in my diet, but not completely. I haven't gone full-Atkins, just pretty close. I've also started taking my Mega Men vitamins again, along with a whole slew of nutritional supplements.

One side effect I hadn't anticipated was that women have been coming up to me and flirting with me. Where were all these women when I wasn't married? Oh well, they're just going to have to look and not touch. :)

I've also developed super confidence. I'll blame this more on the workout motivation mp3's I've been listening to than anything else, but it doesn't hurt when women are throwing themselves at you and you're in the best shape you've been in in nearly a decade. I find it weird that when you have confidence there's always going to be people that find it strange. It's like they think so little of themselves that they expect everyone else to as well, or they feel threatened by someone who thinks highly of themselves. But instead of feeling threatened they should realize that they, too, have permission to feel good about themselves, to know that they also have the ability to reach their full potential if only they want it badly enough. A year ago, I couldn't even imagine running a half-marathon. Now it's something I plan on doing in October (still dependent on whether or not my knees can handle a 10K). Even in my Army days I never thought I'd be able to do something like this.

In about two weeks I'll be doing my first 5K. I look forward to beginning training on my 10K after that. It means I go from doing cardio three days a week to five. Every cardio session burns at least 600 calories. The more the better!

That's it for now. See ya later!

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