Wednesday, March 12, 2014

So This Happened...

It's official. I've lost so much fat off of my face that my glasses will not stay on.

I'm glad I'm losing the fat, but that is very annoying. Especially when I'm running and have to keep pushing my glasses back on my face every couple of seconds. I'm going to have to get that fixed.

But I do have some great news: My weight is down to 290. That's 77 pounds lost. And my mile time is down to 11 minutes. My short-term goal is to get my average mile time under 10 minutes. Long term would be under 8.

Speaking of running, a friend on Facebook told me about the Crim Festival of Races. It's a 10 mile race that's done in Flint every year. If I do well on my 10K I'll sign up for it.

I'm worried about my knees in my distance running. I want so badly to be able to run a half-marathon, but I don't know if my legs can handle the stress.

I'm now the lightest I've been since 2004. I'm happy the weight is off, and yet when I think that I allowed myself to weigh so much for so long I get angry about it. But it happened because after my first overseas tour in the Army I went into a deep depression and allowed my junk food addiction to get the better of me. Addiction is a motherfucker. I have to remember that when I get angry.

But I have a new lease on life now and I'm so happy about it. Nearly 80 pounds lost. My goal is to get to 240 by December 9th (one year after my surgery), so I'm well past my halfway point. While the weight is coming off far more slowly than I'd like, it is coming off. And I'm sure it will come off faster as my workout intensity increases. I'm running 2.25 miles now. When I train for my 10K next month I'll be running even more. And my strength training is going to increase as well.

See you next week!

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