Sunday, October 19, 2014

I Did It!

So today I finally ran my half-marathon. The thing I wouldn't shutup about on this blog for the past several months. :)

My wife took a pic of me just as I was crossing the finish line:

At this point, I was praying for a merciful death
My run was incredibly slow, a sad 2:46:13. Part of that is due to me making a stop at a port-a-potty in the middle of the race which had a very long line. I probably would have done less than 2:40:00 if I didn't have to piss. I also couldn't get my playlist to work once I crossed the Canadian border (thanks a lot, Spotify!) Running without music is like kryptonite to Superman for me.

My wife mentioned that if I had run the race 10 minutes faster, I would have made the top ten for my age group. I noticed that the top guy ran the race in a little over two hours. With that in mind, I'll probably be here again next year.

I also hurt my knee during the race, so I won't be running this week. I'll have to hit the elliptical. I hate those things so much. I used to love them when I was fat, because they're not a challenge. But they're also not stressful on your joints, either. So I'll be burning calories on that thing until I'm healed up.

I also need to see a sports medicine doctor that was recommended by my surgeon. Getting my abs healed up needs to be my highest priority now. The injury has been holding me back for too long.

But hey, mission accomplished. I may have ran 13.1 miles with all the speed of a 1990's dial-up modem, but I fucking did it. And once all my injuries have healed up, I'll be getting my ass back in the game hardcore.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

11 Hours Away!

I started running last January, deciding "I want to do what skinny people do, and skinny people run." So I signed up for a one-mile charity run.

Then I liked training for that, so I signed up for a 5k. Then a 10k. Then a 10 mile run. Then a half-marathon.

The whole time I've been telling myself "Fat people don't do half-marathons". I need to do this to prove to myself that I'm not fat anymore.

So come hell or high water, I'm finishing this fucking run. I'll do it on broken legs. It's happening.

The only thing I'm worried about is my abs. They're hurting because a few days ago I decided to do some decline situps to see how my abs would hold up. Turns out, not very well.

After tomorrow, I'm not resting, either. I'm already planning on doing a half-triathlon, and maybe a 5i50 triathlon before that. As soon as my abs heal up I'm getting back into MMA.

I'm a fucking beast. And it's all because 10 months ago, a doctor sliced me open and ripped out my guts. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Almost Time (And I'm Ready)!

My half marathon is in five days! Woo-hoo!

And I'm ready for it. A week ago I ran 12 miles and it wasn't shit. Distance running is easy now.

Unfortunately, running for speed isn't. I'm guessing that it will take me 2:35:00 to do 13.1 miles. You can thank my ab injury for that one. If it weren't for the injury I probably would be doing the run about 25 minutes faster. At least that much.

Still, I love running. The five and ten mile runs are my favorite distances.

This week, though, is easy. Just two mile runs until race day. I'll use that to improve my mile time.

I'm also off carbs for now. I know that on Saturday I'm going eat every starchy item within a 5-mile radius to carbo-load for my run, so I've gone full Atkins until then to compensate. A day of carbo-loading should be plenty to replenish my glycogen stores before the run.

My abs are starting to feel better. The other day I cranked out a set of hanging leg raises just to see if I could do it. I did eight of them and my abs were no worse for wear. They're not completely healed up yet, though, and I'm getting real tired of that. But if I can handle some light ab exercises, then I can probably start some light weight lifting next week. I need it, too. My arms have gotten scrawny as hell!

That's it for now. Catch you later.