Monday, February 24, 2014

And I Ran, I Ran So Far Away...

So, week one of my 5K training is done. I've stayed committed to my plan of working out six days a week (three run days, three weight training days with one on a run day, and a walk day).

I'm feeling good about keeping my plan. Usually when I tell people how many days a week I workout, what I really mean is "That's what I plan on doing. What I'll really do depends on my mood, spare time, and whether or not I'm tired." But I've stayed on it so far.

It helps to have a goal in mind. Since I'm training for a run, I have more incentive to stay on my plan.

The gym that has been built for months now by my work finally opened, about six weeks past their goal of opening at the first of the year. So now I can work out on my breaks and before or after work. I also learned that doing five laps around my building makes 1.5 miles. Since I'm running 1.5 miles on Wednesdays for the next few weeks, I can avoid a treadmill and, weather permitting, doing a quick run around the building.

In anyone is interested, here's the training plan I'm doing for the 5K (my weight training days are on Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday, and aren't shown in the run plan):

I'll be using his 10K plan after I run my 5K.

As for weight loss, I hit another plateau and haven't budged since I last wrote. It's getting frustrating, losing five pounds at a time and then not moving for a week or more.

I have to go drop my kid off at her grandma's, so I'll be cutting this entry short. Have a good one!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Did The Run, Now I'm Going To Do More

Hello, again!

On Saturday I did the Cupid's Undie Run. For those who need explaining, it's a charity run that was done in several cities (including Detroit) in which you run in the freezing ass cold in nothing but your underwear.

In any other context, if you ever see me running down the streets of Detroit in my underwear, please call 911. :)

I got out of work early so I could make the run, got to The Fillmore Theater at about 1:30 p.m. and stripped down to nothing but a pair of shorts, my socks, and a pair of shoes. Yes, I have a picture, and no, you can't see it. I'm not in any mood to become a meme!

I was the fattest person at the run by far. There were a few other overweight people there, but not only was I fatter than them, I was also one of only two that had the guts to strip all the way down. I almost didn't and wore the pants from my track suit, but after seeing all the other nearly naked people there, I told myself "Fuck it. Either go all the way or don't do it at all.", and stripped down to my shorts. I was self-conscious as a motherfucker, but I made sure not to show it.

When I finished the run, I found that I had only run about 4-5 minutes. The run was supposed to be a mile. Either I had developed Olympic-style speed overnight, or someone lied about how far we were going to run. Turns out it was only a half-mile.

But it also means that my run-time is down to a little over nine minutes per mile. That is awesome.

I've since decided that I want to do a 5K in a few weeks, and a 10K a couple months after that. So I've signed up for the Martian Marathon event for my 5K, exactly 8 weeks from the Cupid run. Coincidentally, I just so happened to come across a 5K training program that is 8 weeks long. When I get paid on Friday, I'm signing up for the Curwood Festival Run in Owosso.

Along with the running I've been doing (and confirming that, yes, I am getting a lot faster in my run), I'm doing weight training, too. I'm putting it in with my rest days on the 5K program, with my leg day on the day I walk. Thursday is my only real rest day.

My surgeon let me know that there would come a point during my weight loss that I will have crazy energy, as my body will be burning so many calories that I will be bouncing off the walls. I have reached that point. I have a six day a week workout plan and it doesn't seem to be enough. All I want to do is exercise. I ran 1.5 miles today and I was disappointed afterward that my workout was done. I just kept walking around after that.

I've considered doing some extra hardcore exercising, but I've had enough experiences where I've done that and burned myself out and quit entirely because my body was too sore to continue. So I have to suck it up and just walk when I get like this.

A friend from work has said that I inspired her so much that she's willing to do the 5K with me. I doubt she'll actually pull the trigger on that (I've seen plenty of people not follow through on things like this, so you'll have to forgive me for being skeptical of my friend), but if she does it will be awesome to have someone to do this with. I normally do fitness stuff on my own.

I've lost another two pounds since my last entry, bringing my weight down to 297. That's a total of 70 pounds lost. Goddamn, does that feel nice. My new work pants (that I got just last week) are already starting to drop off of my waist. I'm sure my bosses are going to be pissed that they have to keep buying me new work uniforms. But they didn't donate to my run so fuckem. :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Leaving With Both Middle Fingers Held High

Goodbye, 300 Club.

I never liked being a member, I never asked to be a member, and I never wanted to be a member. But food addiction is a bitch and it dragged me in there, kicking and screaming.

I tried to leave the club many times, but I always ended up back in. The last time I left was in 2007. That was when I was on a starvation diet that the fine folks at the Medical Weight Loss Clinic had me on. But, of course, I gained all my weight back when I got tired of eating chicken and broccoli on a daily basis.

So now, I weigh 299 pounds, the lightest I've weighed in seven fucking years. The 300 club is behind me and I'm never going back to it. I couldn't even if I wanted to.

And as I leave the club, I do it with two middle fingers held up, telling the club to go fuck itself.

Seriously, 300 club. Eat a big bag of dicks. I'm done with you.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hello Again!

Wow! It's been too long since I've written.

So for the moment, my weight has stayed at a stubborn 305 pounds. I've also lost a lot of muscle mass, due to only being able to hold down mostly crackers, chips, and other empty carbohydrates until recently.

I've started making myself eat at least 60 grams of protein a day, and I'm working out three times a week as well. Since improving my protein intake I've been recovering much better in between workouts. The rest of it, I've decided, will only be fruits and vegetables. Also, cheese, because you can take my cheese when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

I've only done this for a few days, so it'll be a while before I see if this new discipline pays dividends. But weight-loss aside, I just want to be healthier. I like the healthy glow I get when I eat a bunch of fruits and vegetables, I want to make sure I have enough protein in me so my body can recover quickly. Starches are just empty calories when you live in an age of food abundance.

All that said, when I look at the amount of protein that's in foods, I have calorie shock. All the burgers and fast food I was eating were filled with protein (along with empty calories). A double-baconator from Wendy's has over 900 calories in their sandwich and nearly 60 grams of protein, and I used to eat it with a spicy chicken sandwich (21 grams). It made me wonder how many grams of protein I was consuming each day. At least 200. Probably more. And when I look at the calories, I must have been eating well over 4,000 calories a day. Wow. No wonder I was fat!

Next week I do my Cupid's Undie Run, where I'll be doing a charity run around the Fillmore theatre. If you haven't donated yet, click on this link to go to my page. I've been approved for matching funds up to $1,000, but only if I raise at least $500. I'm at $215 so far, so please, donate!