Monday, January 20, 2014

Bottomless Pits and Lost Pounds

The day after I wrote my last entry, my stomach became a bottomless pit. I started eating nachos and didn't stop until I just about ate my entire body weight. Then I ate crackers with cheese on them. Then a Whopper from Burger King because, for some reason, I turned into The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

I started freaking out because a) My new stomach is not supposed to handle all this food, and b) I got this surgery so I WOULDN'T EAT ALL THIS FOOD! Yes, withdrawals from food addiction suck ass. But not as much as being able to feed that same addiction! Fortunately I have a friend on Facebook who got the surgery who has been giving me great advice about what to expect while I go through this.

My friend told me that the kind of massive-binge-eating hunger that I used to do on a daily basis before the surgery comes when a weight-loss plateau is about to end and you're about to lose 10-20 pounds over the course of a few days. She said it had something to do with the body needing extra calories to have energy to burn fat for energy (seems weird, like turning on a switch to turn on a light switch to your home, but also kind of makes sense). It's the same reason why a lot of diets have a "cheat day".

Well, she wasn't kidding. As of yesterday, I was at 304 pounds. That's an 11-pound loss in a single week, and 64 pounds overall! Woo-hoo!

I'm loving how my stomach is looking right now. I am, however, not liking the loss of muscle mass. I need to be lifting weights and drinking more protein shakes. I also need to be doing more cardio. Really, I just need to be getting to the gym, period. I don't want to be skinny. I want to be buff.

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