Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Confessions, Good News, and Other Stuff

Jesus, I haven't written since July.

Well, that's no surprise. Between May and September, I didn't work out at all. I also ate a lot of junk food. It's why my last entry talked about my kids but not about fitness. I wasn't even trying to get fit.

I wrote a long time ago that even if you're injured, you can still do something to get in better physical condition. So if you're injured, you should avoid giving up and find something that you can do.

I didn't do that. I gave up. I had a jacked up shoulder, but I didn't run. I did nothing, and I ate a bunch of unhealthy shit. I knew I was gaining weight. I could see it, and so did my family.

So, one day in September, I stepped on the scale. It said 292. I gained 42 fucking pounds, and I was almost back in the 300 club, a place I promised myself I'd never go back to. So I went to a place called the Medical Weight Loss Clinic to lose weight, and I started running again. I worked my legs on weight training days even though I couldn't lift with my arms.

I wanted to blog about going back on the diet and working out again, but at 292 pounds I was too ashamed. I was angry at myself for letting my body nearly revert back to where I was pre-surgery.

I'm now down to 256 pounds. Just six pounds away from where I peaked.

Medical Weight Loss Clinic gave some good pointers, but I still had to cheat on my diet because no matter how many times they swear differently (and they did), they have no idea how to deal with athletic people. They didn't know how to deal with a guy that burns anywhere from 1,100 to 1,500 calories in an exercise session. So I ate extra meat, protein shakes, and occasionally had to carbo-load to keep my blood sugar from hitting rock bottom. .So I'll be quitting this diet next week and start working on carb cycling. A lot of athletes swear by it, so I'll give it a shot, because...

My shoulder is finally healed up! Yay!

After waiting for months for my shoulder to heal on its own, I decided to get an MRI and saw a sports medicine specialist. The reason for my injury was a calcium deposit that had formed on the tip of my humurus, right where the bone meets the shoulder. So the doctor used an ultrasound to find the deposit, stabbed it with a large needle until it was no longer attached to my shoulder, and used another needle to suck it out. After a few days of recovery, I had full range of motion and no pain in my arm.

Now that my arm is healed up, I'm going to be working out even more than before.

My fixed arm also changed my priorities. When all I could do was work on my lower body, I decided I wanted to do a full marathon next year. Now I'm questioning that. My wife wants to do the Crim next year and I'll run that with her, but I don't know if I want to run a marathon when there's a lot of other stuff I want to do. I want to try powerlifting, martial arts, and work on being able to do my first chin up. If I can do all that and train for a full marathon, great. But I don't want running 26.2 miles being the end-all-be-all of my physical fitness.

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