Saturday, December 13, 2014

I Hate Eating Right Now

Now that I'm working out again I have to consume a lot of protein to make sure my body can recover from all the exercise I'm doing.

And I hate it.

I have to shove steak and scrambled eggs down my gullet every morning. I have to drink at least two disgusting protein shakes every day. And every time I do, I feel like I just finished Thanksgiving dinner.

Protein makes you feel full. Very full.

If I don't do it, I drag ass in the gym. I struggle to finish my runs, and I can barely lift any weights. I have to eat to get better.

Eating used to be fun, back when I was fat and ate whatever I was craving. Now, eating requires discipline.

It also involves constant counting. "Let's see, I had a protein shake with milk this morning, so that's 76 grams of protein. I ate ground beef for lunch, which has 50 grams. Had a piece of chicken with vegetables for dinner, which was 35 grams. All in all, I ate 161 grams. I need to eat 40-90 grams more or else fuck my workout. And it's 10 p.m. Fuuuuuuck."

When you're not working out, most people only need around 60 grams of protein a day. But when you exercise vigorously sports nutritionists tend to recommend at least one gram for every pound that you weigh, if not more. I'm not even consuming that much. I can't eat that much food.

Oh well. This is the price I'm paying to achieve athletic excellence. This is what it will take to do a half-triathlon next year. This is what it will take to become eligible for skydiving. This is what it will take to maintain a healthy body.

It also means that I have to exercise even when I'm not in the mood. When I'm too exhausted. Like today. I have a short, three mile run today. Nothing I can't handle, except I'm sleepy as shit right now. I need the motivation to hit the treadmill. I'll find it eventually. In the meantime, I need to make a protein shake.

Enjoy the video.

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