Thursday, July 10, 2014

It Gets Harder, I Get Stronger

Holy shit! It's nearly been a month since I wrote! Why didn't anyone tell me?! :)

It's been a busy couple of weeks. I had finals, and knocked those out with all of my classes having a final grade of A- or better. Then I went and got sick so I couldn't work out. And I was still struggling with my drinking.

On the last subject, I haven't had anything to drink in six days, which for me is very good. I recently lost my insurance, so I couldn't go to a private therapist to get any help. I have insurance through the VA, but didn't want to do any of the 12-step b.s. that they do. So I started listening to hypnosis sessions on YouTube. They've worked like a charm. Not only have I not had a drink, but I haven't wanted one, either. Anytime I start thinking about drinking I remind myself that if I don't stay off the sauce, I'm going to gain back my weight.

Which, for a couple of weeks, was becoming a problem. After my last entry, my weight wouldn't budge due to my putting about 1,000 calories worth of alcohol in my system each day. Now that I've stopped, I'm down to 260 pounds.

For my strength/endurance training, I hit a snag last week when I got sick. I don't know what it was, but it hit me something fierce. I could barely eat or drink anything, I slept for 16 hours for the first few days of the illness, and working out was simply out of the question. So I haven't worked out in a week. Tomorrow, I'm getting back on it.

I hate that I just got back to where I was performance-wise after the last time I took time off due to sickness. But that's how success goes. You keep getting back up no matter how many times you get knocked down. The workouts get harder, you get stronger.

I've changed up my strength training routine. Instead of working out one muscle group each week, I'm working out my upper body three times a week and my legs once a week.

My running is about to hit nightmare phase. Next week I have to run 7 miles as part of my training for the Crim. I've never run that long in my life. Not even when I was in the Army.

Yesterday my wife told me that my mother-in-law suggested that I do Tough Mudder. I'm now considering it. Maybe that will be phase three of my training. Finish the half-marathon, spend a year in martial arts training, then do Tough Mudder. Sounds like a plan. I couldn't do Tough Mudder now, but maybe in two years after I've gotten stronger it could happen. A year ago I didn't think I could do a half-marathon and now I'm training for it. So if I spend a year and a half working on my upper body strength, maybe I can pull it off. :)

Enjoy the videos.

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