Sunday, October 2, 2016

Reverse Dieting (When You Have no Stomach)

After I started the Candito program, I realized that I also need to eat more food. A lot more. Way more than I'm accustomed to or comfortable eating. This is especially true of protein.

So, last week I started trying to fit every piece of solid hunk of meat and dairy product into my mouth, but I got full very quickly. It's been nearly three years since I've had bariatric surgery, so I can eat an average size meal in one sitting, but eating all of this food was getting to be too much, so I had to start getting creative.

My previous nutrition goal was to eat at least 250 grams of protein a day. Now, I'm eating 300. I also have to consume some carbohydrates on days that I workout so I'm not sluggish when I hit the gym. This is what I eat to make sure that I get the calories I need to get stronger:

1. Protein shakes
2. Protein shakes
3. More protein shakes
4. Cottage cheese
5. Greek yogurt (the big containers of the plain stuff, not the sugar-stuffed bullshit that comes in one-cup portions)

Basically, if it's a liquid or a food with a paste-like consistency that contains protein, I'm eating it.

Carbs are easier to consume than proteins, but if I'm working out, I drink a couple bottles of Powerade throughout the day so I'll have the energy to lift.

I used to eat every three hours so I could fit in my macros. Those days are over. Now, I'm eating every time I can fit food into my tiny, tiny stomach.

Here's a video of Alan Thrall doing some extreme bulk dieting. You'll be both enthralled and disgusted at the same time:

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