Thursday, July 14, 2016

Epic Win

I stopped doing the Stronglifts 5x5 routine this week. As a strength routine, I've found that it's second to none compared to every other weightlifting routine I've ever done; however, it's also the reason why I'm running at the pace of a snail. The man that created the workout admitted that you will not be able to run and do this program at the same time. Squatting heavy three times a week tends to make you slow.

With that in mind, I began searching for powerlifting programs that also allow for running. I found this workout and decided to give it a go. It separates the lift days so you're only squatting once a week, and has accessory exercises added on to make sure your muscles don't atrophy. The only thing I'm doing differently is adding an overhead press exercise on my squat day because I really enjoy that exercise and don't want to stop doing it (something about lifting over 100 pounds above your head gives you a sense of pride).

Wednesday was deadlift day. A few warmup sets of deadlifts, followed by a single 3-5 rep set of your maximum weight. I did two warmup sets of 135 and 185 pounds before completing my goal of 215 pounds, which is the most I've ever lifted of any exercise at all. I decided to try 225 for shits and giggles, but failed. That'll have to wait until next week.

I was mad that I failed in my 225 lift, but I realized that I should be cool with it because a) My goal was 215 and I succeeded, and b) I probably would have lifted 225 if I hadn't just done three sets of deadlifts already.

After that came the accessory exercises. Three sets of 8-10 reps of hanging leg raises, the stiff-legged deadlift, and calf raises. I did my first two exercises easily and went onto the calf raises.

I was a guest at a gym near my mother-in-law's house, and they do not have a calf raise machine. When that happens, you have to use the leg press machine to work your calves.

Like this.

I haven't used the leg press machine (or any machine for that matter) in months, so I decided to put the weight at 310 pounds to see how it would feel. I did three reps before stopping because the weight was so light that it felt like I was just standing on my tip toes. I set the machine to 370 pounds and got the same result. The machine maxed out at 415 pounds, so that was where I set the weight.

About eight months ago I used that machine for leg day and I lifted 250 pounds for 10 reps. I couldn't lift any more than that. On Wednesday, I had to do a single leg press at 415 pounds to get into position for the calf raise, and it was easy. The calf raises were even easier. If I could have added more weight, I would have.

It was then that I realized that I am stronger now than I have ever been in my life. Even stronger than when I was in my twenties.

I've been meal prepping for a few months now, carb cycling for close to a month, and doing the 5x5 program for the past several months, all in the pursuit of achieving athletic excellence. I've written posts complaining about doing it and being tempted to quit because I wasn't noticing my progress. But when I realized that this is the strongest I've ever been in my life, it was an epic fucking win.

And I'm only going to keep getting stronger. I'm not done training yet, not by damn sight!

Back in November, I wrote a post called, "My Weight Loss Journey Has Ended". That's still true, even after all the weight I've gained over the past few months. Mark Rippletoe warned that the Starting Strength method would cause you to gain weight because you'd be gaining large amounts of muscle over a short amount of time, and that you'd be needing to take in large amounts of healthy calories to do the workouts. The bodybuilding world calls this "bulking", and it's the reason why Hafþór Júlíus "Thor" Björnsson, aka, "The Mountain" isn't sporting a set of six pack abs.

Anyone want to call him fat? Anyone?

So when I stepped on the scale a month ago and found that I weighed 293 pounds, instead of panicking and going over to Medical Weight Loss Clinic like I did last time, I pretty much just shrugged. I knew it was mostly muscle mass that I gained. Unlike last time, my family didn't even notice that I had gained weight.

Just as a point of reference, here's me posting a selfie of myself, proud that my weight was down to under 260 pounds:

Here's me at 290 pounds, as of this morning:

My eyes are open! I promise!

My stomach is a little bit wider, but so are my arms, chest, and shoulders.

I just noticed my skin has bounced back too, as I'm no longer sporting some sagging A cups. :D

I'm very happy with how my body looks. Continuing to diet and exercise has nothing to do with body image or liking what I see in the mirror. I already do. This is all about gaining athletic prowess.

I will become better than I was before. Better, stronger, faster.

The gym will rebuild me.
They have the technology.

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