Saturday, September 27, 2014

Three More Weeks!

Well, the half-marathon is three weeks from today.

And my running is...shit.

I started running again last Sunday, deciding that, my abs be damned, I'm tired of not training.

I also downgraded my training to Higdon's Novice 2 program. It's easier, so not as fun. But easier is what I need if I'm going to heal up.

Anyway, I started last Sunday morning by running 10 miles. It's probably not best to run 10 miles when you've only ran twice in the past month. I was sore as shit after.

My time on my shorter runs has gotten slow, too. It takes me over an hour to run 5 miles, and over 1/2 hour to run 3 miles. Eight months of work, all pissed down the drain because of a stupid abdominal injury.

My abs haven't healed up yet, either. They don't feel as bad as they used to, but I still can't lift weights.

Still, I know that I'm not going to get better at running by sitting on the couch. The only thing that's going to help is to eat right and train as hard as I possibly can. I just keep telling myself: "Fat people don't do half-marathons!" I keep repeating that to myself, over and over. It's my mantra. It's the reason why I keep going.

Three more weeks. I can do this. I have to do this.

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