Saturday, August 2, 2014

Setbacks Are A Bitch

Well, this week wasn't that great. Not going to lie.

It always seems to be during my "recovery week" that everything goes to shit. I either get sick or something else happens.

My wife had a job interview up in Tawas City and we decided to take our camper up there for a mini-vacation, as it's cheaper than a hotel and we're still trying to break in our little "hotel on wheels". While we were up there I didn't eat very healthy, didn't take my supplements, and pretty much just drank Diet Pepsi the entire time I was up there.

I did go to the gym, but all I could do was my run. After I was too dizzy to do any weight-lifting, and my lower abs were extremely sore the entire week for some reason. I couldn't even do a single leg lift for a week.

And I also drank alcohol while I was camping. I had to go from a night-shift sleep schedule to a day-shift schedule, and I don't know any other way to do that without drinking. But more on that later.

When I got home from camping I found out that I went from weighing 254 pounds to 261.

I was only gone for three days, so I know that it's scientifically impossible for me to have gained that much weight in such a short amount of time without most of it being water weight. But still, it really sucks.

In the past, this little setback would have been enough to make me quit. But fuck that. I've come too far to quit. And I'm never going back to where I was. NEVER! So instead of quitting, I've decided to hit everything harder.

The first thing I did was go back to a strictly paleo diet. Breads, grains, any kind of complex carbohydrates are out of my diet plan. Strictly protein sources, fruits and vegetables are in my diet now. I had to take a couple of days off from the gym for my abs to recover (I'm still wondering why they got so sore in the first place), but now they have so I'm going to be beating the shit out of myself at the gym all this week. I have leg day in the morning. If my legs aren't a wad of cookie dough by the time I'm done, I will have failed.

The paleo diet is already showing results. I've already dropped back down to 259 pounds. When I start hitting the gym this week I anticipate being back at my previous weight by Saturday.

As for my drinking this week, it seems it was what I needed to stay off the sauce, if that makes any sense. The past few weeks before that I had been wanting a drink and when I finally did it, I didn't get the buzz that I once did. It didn't make me happy, just tired. Now I don't even want the stuff. It's gone from being something that made me feel good and was a substitute for my food addiction to just being a pointless waste of calories. Exercise has replaced junk food and alcohol as my feel good high.

I also found this awesome pic, courtesy of the guys at the Sports Motivation page on Facebook. I printed it out and put it on my bedroom door to serve as a reminder of why I do this. Enjoy!

I also found out that my last post had the highest traffic for my blog yet. Apparently posting half-naked pics of myself brings all the ladies to the yard. ;)

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