Tuesday, October 1, 2019

On Masculinity, Part 2

In my last post about masculinity, I warned about the left's reluctance to have a conversation on masculinity, saying:

 This needs to be said, because the right is having this conversation, and if I, a 37 year old feminist man is wondering what it means to be a man without toxic masculinity, I can guarantee that there's 17 year old boys that are asking themselves that. And if Roosh V, Jordan Peterson, and the Proud Boys are the only ones willing to have this conversation, we're going to have another generation of misogynistic, angry, and mentally unhealthy men to contend with.

I said that nearly a year ago, and since then, I've seen the right all too willing to have that conversation. Except, something has changed in that time. And I'm downright mad about it.

A little over a week ago, this pic of a right-wing nutjob by the name of Jacob Wohl started making the rounds on Leftbook:

I think a certain part of me snapped while reading that. Here I am, a 38 year old veteran of two wars, a past member of the United States Army, a man who lifts weights and shoots guns on the regular, who can pound back any liquor that you put in front of him, and this 90 pound pipsqueak has the fucking nerve to lecture me on masculinity?!

Hello, all of the right! Is this your champion? Come pick up your kid from the Wal-Mart service desk!

I did some research on Wohl, and it turns out that he just turned 21 this year. That means that he was just 11 years old in 2009 when I just started facing the Great Recession, and only 8 years old when I returned from Iraq. This fucking child is going to try to lecture me on manliness? LOL!

I know I posted an entry on the need for the left to start talking about masculinity or the right will, but so far the right's champions are fucking lacking in masculinity. I'm mad as hell about this, so I'm going to drag a few of the right's leaders on the subject.

This leads me to the right's next two heroes of masculinity, Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro. Let's start with the first guy.

Are you kidding me? This is the guy that became famous because he was scared of transgender people, who wrote a book telling boys how to act like men, and he sounds like Ned fucking Flanders when he speaks:

I don't need to take lessons on masculinity from Ned Flanders.

Recently, it became revealed that Peterson had started a diet in which he only eats meat to prove his manliness. For most of us, we know that that's just compensating. Really masculine guys don't need to say that we only eat meat (we don't, vegetables are plenty healthy). Those that claim to do so, we know that they're just scared of us seeing them for the lack of masculinity that they have.

That leaves us with this last asshole. Ben fucking Shapiro.

Look, if I'm ever going to take lessons on masculinity from someone, it's not going to be from someone that argues for a living, and then cries when someone tries to get physical with them. Ben Shapiro wrote an article in 2017 on masculinity in which he said:

But in their effort to eradicate the destructive male tendency, the Left has pushed emasculation as a solution. While they champion the notion that women can do anything they set their minds to (true!), they simultaneously castigate men as the barriers to progress and masculinity as a condition to be avoided. The goal of the Left, therefore, becomes to train boys not to become men. Instead, boys should be feminized; they should never be encouraged to “be a man.” That’s too pressure-filled, too nasty, too mean.

We really haven't. Seriously. I'm a male strong af feminist. AMA, and I'll tell you that I don't push emasculation on anyone.

But Ben Shapiro really isn't someone that should be pushing the ideas of masculinity on anyone. He's a tiny, weak man who writes articles and gives arguments instead of providing examples of what a masculine man would look like. He can't do it because he's a tiny candy ass that doesn't lift. I bet he doesn't even know how to use a charcoal grill. He's not a man. He's a boy in his 30s.

I will write another article on masculinity eventually in which I talk about wholesome masculinity; what it means to be a strong "manly man" without having to be an asshole. But for now, I just really had to call this bullshit out. I'm damn tired of the right raising up as their champions of masculinity those that I can rip apart like paper. If I can tear you in two, I sure as fuck don't want to hear your definitions on masculinity and manliness. Join a gym, assholes.

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